General Questions on Trillian Password Recovery 5.0

1. What is Trillian Password Recovery 5.0 and what can it do for me?

2. What Trillian versions does it support?

3. Is it easy to use?

4. Is it fast in password recovering?

5. What OS requirement is it?

6. What is brute-force attack?

7. What is mask? What is brute-force with mask attack?

8. What is dictionary?

9. What is "Smart Mutation"?

10. How to set the "Mutation Count" as I don't even know what's this?

11. Why does the program recommend me to use dictionary attack?

13. What is the program priority?

14. What is "Idle"?

15. What is "High"?

16. What if I close the program while the processing is still going on?

17. What's the difference between the demo version and the full version?

18. How to convert the demo version into the full version?

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