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How to Fix Windows 10 Stuck in Automatic Repair Loop

“Yesterday I upgrade to Windows 10, but after system downloaded the Windows update and need to restart to install the update, my system stuck in automatic restart repair loop and cannot go into desktop. What can I do for this?”

In past Windows system, users have the privilege to enable or disablethe system update in Control Panel. But in Windows 10, system only allows users to disable software update, as for security update, the Windows 10 system force users to download and install the patches. However, in every generation of Windows system, a new released patch may cause new bugs.

To fix Windows 10 system stuck in automatic repair loop, we provide you with a solution to restore the system that will bring your unbootable system to normal. This is the only solution that you can do until Microsoft have not provided a proper solution for such Windows 10 issues.

After the Windows reinstall completed, you can go into the Windows 10 desktop.

Read About: How to Fix Windows 10 Boot to a Black Screen

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