Facebook Locked and Forgot Password

What to do when Facebook Locked and you Forgot Password?

Aug. 09, 2013 11:00 am / Posted by Michael Eric to Online Website
Follow @MichaelEric

Situation: My Facebook account's locked and I forgot the password.

Once if your Facebook account's locked, you'll have no way to update your mood or share your pictures with your friends. You even can't have any idea of your friends online. What's worse, your privative information may be leaked if your Facebook has been hacked. So,crack your Facebook password must be in urgent need.

Here recommend two options when you forgot Facebook password.

Option 1: Hack Locked Facebook Password with Facebook Trusted Contacts when Forgot Password

Facebook Trusted Contacts allows you to choose three to five friends in advance, whom you can ask to help you get into your Facebook account in the event you're shut out for any reason.

  • Step 1. Tab your designated friends for help, Facebook will send them special codes to help you regain access. Each friend will be sent a different code.

  • Step 2. After your friends send you the codes, you should enter at least three of the codes correctly. Then Facebook gives you access to your account again.

Thus you will get out of locked Facebook and crack the forgotten password easily with Facebook Trusted Contacts. It's a proactive solution that requires you to take action in advance of any problem. If you haven't designated special "trusted contacts" in advance, move to option 2 below.

Option 2: Crack Locked Facebook with Password Recovery Bundle when Forgot Password

Password Recovery is professional to help you crack your forgotten Facebook password caused by any reason. Just refer to the tutorials for how to crack Facebook password as below.

Download SmartKey All-in-one Password Recovery Bundle:

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  • Step 1. Download and launch Password Recovery Bundle. Then choose "Recover Email and Internet Browser passwords".

    facebook locked and forgot password

  • Step 2. Choose "Internet Password Recovery", and click "Start Recovery" and then choose "Recover Firefox Password" from the down-drop list.

    acebook locked and forgot your password

  • Step 3. Choose locked Facebook password to crack.

    ocked facebook and forgot password

When you got locked out of Facebook and forgot the password, choose strong Password Recovery to hack your Facebook password. It can be used to crack forgotten browser password, such as IE password, Outlook password and Firefox master password.

Download SmartKey All-in-one Password Recovery Bundle:

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