December 27, 2017 11:13 am / Posted by Michael Eric to Office Tips
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Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows that available today. It comes with many improvements over the pervious versions, and any Windows user with compatible hardware should upgrade without thinking twice.
But upgrading your system is not a mere install latest OS over the old. Some tweaks and adjustments come before and after that. There’s also no guarantee that you’ll like what you get after the upgrades. That’s why many people prefer to stick with the operating system that they are familiar with. The thought of having to go through the learning curves again makes them cringe.
That’s why it might help a little if you know that you could legally get Windows 10 Home Premium 64 Bit product key for free.
Do you know that if you are using a legal copy of Windows 7 or 8.1, Microsoft gives you the access to upgrade to Windows 10 Enterprise edition for free? Those who fall into this category and currently looking for the shady ways to get Windows 10 for free (because you just can’t spare another dollar for it), you can stop looking because you are eligible to upgrade to Windows 10 without having to spend a penny more. The only requirement is that you do the upgrade within one year.
Those who are still on the fence about upgrading, because they don’t know if they will like the upgrade, can jump into the water and upgrade because Microsoft adds the rollback feature. This feature allows users who upgrade to Windows 10 to go back to their previous edition of Windows if they don’t like the new OS.
Another option that these people can do is to install the free 90-day trial of Windows 10 Enterprise edition to check out the new OS. The advantage of using the free trial instead of upgrading for free is the ability to still maintain your current Windows 7 or 8.1 for your everyday tasks.
The Windows 10 Enterprise edition is built with large businesses in mind, but it still offers the same features as the Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro versions as long as you pick the right option when you download the software.
You can run Windows 10 alongside your existing Windows 7 or 8.1 by using a spare PC that you have lying around the house. You could also use the dual-boot setup on one PC using separate partitions. Another option that you can take is to use virtual machine programs such as VirtualBox and VMware Player.
To download Windows 10 Enterprise 90-trial edition, go to Microsoft’s TechNet Evaluation Center. Make sure that you check the option for Windows 10 Enterprise and not Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.
The download file is in ISO format. You need to burn it to DVD or create the installer on a USB drive. You can use Windows USB/DVD Download Tool for the job.
So whether you want to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or 8.1, or you just want to try Windows 10, you can get at least 90 days to use it for free.
One scenario why someone want to find free Windows 10 product key is because he/she has already bought one but lost it. But instead of trying to find a new one, you can use Product Key Recovery to recover the lost product key. It is a fantastic product key finder utility that can find lost product keys for many software programs like Microsoft Windows, Office, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Internet Explorer, etc. You can recover your product key just with a single click.
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