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Microsoft to Release Windows 8.1 Update 1 on April 8

Microsoft to Release Windows 8.1 Update 1 on April 8

Apr. 07, 2014 09:21 am / Posted by Michael Eric to News
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After Microsoft annouced that Microsoft is available on iPad, at Microsoft's annual Build confab, it annouced that the first update of Windows 8.1 will roll out on April 8 for free. It will be available to all current Windows 8.1 users. This update's mission is to welcome frustrated mouse and keyboard users back to Windows 8.1.

Here you can have a preview of all the new features and improvements of the long awaited Windows 8.1 Update 1. Since Windows 8.1 Update 1 will be available on April 8, you can get ready to download and install it on your own computer.

The New Features and Improvements of Windows 8.1 Update 1:

1. Flexible Windows Desktop

Micrsoft updated the user interface of Windows desktop to work with Windows Store apps. Now users will be able to pin apps like Skype and the Xbox app, which have since only lived in the Windows 8.1 Metro ecosystem to their taskbar. What's more, these apps can finally be tabed through and minimized on the desktop. Scrolling up the top of a full-screen modern app, meanwhile, will bring up a familiar title bar complete with "Close" and "Minimize" buttons.

2. Fixing the Start Menu

Microsoft has brought more clickable options to the Start Scree. Rather than having to go through the charms menu, users will be able to shutdown their computer straight from the Start Screen.

Additionally, users can right click for Start and to close the apps, to access to some quick options just as users were once able to do with the Windows 7 and Windows XP Start Menu.

microsoft to release windows 8.1 update 1 on april 8

3. Same App Experience across Devices

Windows 8.1 Update 1 will allow the OS to identify the device it is being used on and tailor the experience accordingly. If you're on tablet, 8.1 will launch into "Metro" mode. If you're on a PC, it will now launch straight to desktop.

4. Touch First Versions of Office

The Office 365 cloud back end will allow users to work on documents across devices. Touch is being added to every tiny aspect of Office from selecting elements in the ribbon to dragging and scaling images. The same touch controls extend to the presentation mode allowing users to highlight elements with a simple finger stroke.

Microsoft also annouced today that it will be making Windows free for tablets and phones with a screen less than 9 inches. Moreover, After Windows 8.1 Update 1 being unveiled on April 8, we'll give you the instructions of how to download and install Windows 8.1 Update 1 to you. Just remember to check the update in Windows Tips.

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