How to Change Router's Password

How to Change Wireless Router's Password

2014-02-04 14:38:37 / Posted by Michael Eric to Windows Tips
Follow @MichaelEric

"How do I change my router password?"

Wireless network router, switch, access points and other network hardware devices typically come with a built-in web interface that you can access to change the options and configuration settings. Like many other computer applications, accessing it is as simple as knowing the username and password. Additionally, if you forgot your router's password unfortunately, click here to know how to find your wireless router's password.

For router, switch, or access point password, there are few reasons you might want to change it. One obvious reason to change your password is that you think your network has been compromised somehow. Check the easy steps on how to change wireless router's password.

How to Change Wireless Router Default Password?

The exact steps involved in changing the password can differ from device and especially from manufacturer to manufacturer (Linksys, DLink, Apple, ASUS, Buffalo, Netgear, etc). Here is the tutorial on changing popular Linksys password, but the same general steps apply to just about every router, switch, and other network device.

Note: Make sure you know the default username and password of your wireless router.
  • Step 1: Log into the router's administrator console through a web browser using the current username and password. For Linksys, enter the web address:

    Tips: The following list is some of the default IP addresses based on research:
    • Linksys - or
    • DLink - or
    • Apple -
    • ASUS -
    • Buffalo -
    • Netgear - or
  • Step 2: In the password field, enter "admin" (the default for most Linksys routers) or the equivalent password for your router. When successfully logged in, you should see a screen like the below.

    how to change router's password

  • Step 3: Go to the Administration/security section where the password setting can be changed. Here click the Administration button to open this page as shown below.

    change wireless router's password

  • Step 4: Enter the new password in the Password box, and re-enter the same password.

    how to change router's password

  • Step 5. Confirm your change on the router. Click the Save Settings button to make the new password take effect. Then new password takes effect immediately; rebooting the router is not required.

    how to change wireless router's password

This is all the illustration on how to change router's password. Remember that other network hardware device's password can be changed in the same way.

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