Forgot Linux Password

Three Methods to Reset Your Forgotten Linux Password

2013-05-06 13:20:55 / Posted by Michael Eric to Windows Tips
Follow @MichaelEric

Linux as one of the most famous operating systems is widely used by servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and supercomputers for its reliability, safe and stability etc. (others: Windows and Mac OS X). It is said that the 10 fastest supercomputers all run Linux.

As a Linux users, while enjoy the great benefits Linux brings to them, some of them may also have the problem of either forgetting Linux root password or Linux user password to log in to Linux. So we list three effective and professional ways to reset lost Linux password (root password and user password).

How to Reset Linux User Password When Forgot it?

In Linux (such as Linux mint), you can use the root user to change the password of any user account. If you unfortunately forgot Linux user password, take a use of the root account to reset Linux user password.

  • 1. Log in as the root user and open the terminal application.
  • 2. Execute the following commands one by one on the coming command prompt.
    • Type "passwd username", press Enter.
    • Type the new password, press Enter.
    • Type the new password again at the command line, press Enter.
  • 3. Close the terminal program. Now you can use your new user account and password to log in to Linux.

How to Reset Linux Root Password When Forgot it?

If you forgot Linux root password, the way above is not appropriate for you. Luckily, in Linux you can log in using single-user mode and create a new root password. Reboot your computer to enter single-user mode. If you use the GRUB, you can enter single user mode as following:

  • Step 1: Select the GRUB entry for the Linux installation and Press 'e' to edit the entry.

    forgot Linux mint root password

  • Step 2: Use the arrows to go to kernel line. Add the word 'single' at the end of the line.

    forgot Linux user password

    You'll first be presented with a screen that looks very similar to this one:

    reset Linux user password

  • Step 3: Once you hit enter after adjusting the kernel line, you'll need to use the B key to choose to boot with that option.
    Note: The kernel should be booting as usual, and you will finally get a root prompt or recovery menu. There you can choose the root prompt.

    reset Linux root password

  • Step 4: Select "root - Drop to root shell prompt" and press "Ok".
  • Step 5: Use passwd to change the password for any account and Type reboot to reboot the system and use your new password to log in.

    reset Linux mint password

Additionally, if you are unable to use GRUB, you can use a Linux Live CD to reset Linux password. A Linux Live CD is a Linux operating system designed to run from a CD-ROM.

How to Reset Linux password with A Linux Live CD?

  • Create a Linux Live CD.
  • Boot from Live CD and open a terminal window.
  • Type the following commands:
    sudo mkdir /media/linx_part to create a directory to act as mount point for the partition
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/linx_part to munt the linux partition
    sudo chroot /media/sda1 to change Root to the mount directory
  • Type passwd and enter the new password to change the password. Type "reboot" to restart the system.

I am sure at least one method can reset Linux password for you. And for Windows, you can turn to SmartKey Windows password recovery software, it will reset your lost Windows 8/7/XP password instantly.

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